The Hidatsa Dictionary - Mobile is the best way to look up Hidatsa words and hear pronunciations while on the go.
• 4000+ entries and growing
• Audio Pronunciation recorded from Fluent Hidatsa Speakers
• Search in Hidatsa or English or Look it up with full indexed reference dictionary
• Save your favorite words for quick reference
• Consistent phonemic spelling
• Works without active data connection
• Get updates with latest revisions and improvements.
• Fun to use and explore
• An excellent self-study investment
It’s the ultimate electronic Hidatsa learning and reference tool- now optimized for portable use.
Additional Instructions:
• If you havent already, download the Hidatsa Keyboard - Mobile from the app store to type your search in Hidatsa!
• When the app is first loaded, it automatically downloads the most up-to-date entries. This can take a few seconds, up to a minute.
• Want to contribute to the Hidatsa Language Projects dictionary? Go to and submit new words and corrections through our online form!
About the Hidatsa Language Project:
The Hidatsa Language Project provides accessible language-learning tools and resources — textbooks, apps, dictionaries and more — to help preserve Hidatsa. Get to know us at and check out some of our other Hidatsa products!
Questions? Concerns? Please let us know!
We’re always working to improve our Hidatsa language-learning products. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please send us an email at [email protected]